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What to Eat After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

August 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — julingtoncreek @ 2:32 pm
A woman drinking a smoothie in her pajamas.

Having your wisdom teeth removed is a big milestone in any person’s life. Between the Hollywood tropes and the myriad social media videos about the subject, it’s something that many young people will hear about and experience by the time they reach college age.

But when it comes to recovery, there’s a lot of misinformation out there, especially regarding your post-procedure diet. Believe it or not, no, you do not need to eat ice cream or Jello for three days. If you’re scheduled to have your wisdom teeth removed, here are some healthy, satisfying foods that you can eat following your extraction.

Watch the Temperature

Before you sit down to plan your post-procedure menu, be careful about the types of foods you select. For starters, it is recommended that you avoid anything too hot for the first days following your extraction. Thus, if you are considering something like soup, be sure that you won’t mind eating it on the warm to cool side, at least for the first few days.

Cut the Caffeine

Caffeine can dilate your blood vessels, making it harder for the bleeding to stop and a clot to form in your extraction site, so be sure to avoid any caffeinated beverages (hot or cold) for at least two to three days after your procedure.

No Straws

Another bit of advice you may have heard about wisdom tooth extraction recovery is to not drink from a straw for at least three days following your procedure. This is because the pressure created in your mouth can dislodge the blood clot and cause a painful condition called dry socket.

Smart, Filling Foods

While it would be nice to just eat ice cream for three days straight, this is not only bad for your teeth and waistline, but also not particularly filling, either.  Here are a few satisfying, healthy options that are soft enough to eat after your extraction.

  • Scrambled eggs
  • Yogurt/ Greek yogurt
  • Hummus
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Instant oatmeal
  • Cottage cheese
  • Avocado
  • Bananas
  • Smoothies
  • Applesauce
  • Warm (not hot!) broth

Thankfully, your incision site should be feeling better within a few days, and you will soon be able to return to your normal diet, however in the meantime, it is best to avoid the following foods, as they may be difficult to chew.

  • Nuts or seeds
  • Spicy foods
  • Alcohol
  • Chewy foods
  • Crunchy foods

Remember, your post- procedure diet is temporary, and while you may miss biting into that burrito or savoring that morning latte, avoiding these foods for a few days will help keep your extraction site safe and promote faster healing. If you want a little Jello and ice cream as a treat, there’s no reason you can’t indulge. Just be sure to balance it out with some of these healthier options to help you power through the first few crucial days.

About Dr. Cohen

Dr. Jonathan H. Cohen is skilled in a variety of dental specialties, ranging from cosmetic dentistry to restorative procedures and dental implantology. He enjoys expanding his knowledge at such prestigious organizations as The Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education, The Dawson Center for Advanced Dental Study, and the Atlantic Coast Dental Research Clinic.

He is also a current member of the Academy of General Dentistry, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, American Academy of Implant Dentistry, Academy of Osseointegration, and the International Congress of Oral Implantologists.

To schedule an appointment for wisdom tooth extraction with Julington Creek Family Dentistry please visit our website or call us today at 904-230-2961.

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