Although brushing and flossing twice daily is essential to avoiding common issues like cavities and gum disease, you should also consistently schedule standard visits with your dentist. The American Dental Association recommends seeing your provider for a routine checkup and cleaning every six months. However, according to recent data, only an estimated 45% of Americans have had an appointment in the last 12 months.
If it’s been a while since you’ve had an appointment, continue reading to learn 3 ways that proper preventative care can improve your quality of life!
Benefit #1: Prevent Progressive Problems
Your dental hygiene routine is key to avoiding common oral issues like tooth decay or periodontal problems. It strengthens your enamel and connective tissues, making your grin more resistant to damage or discoloration. Despite this, your teeth and gums are not invincible, and you might still develop dental dilemmas.
Seeing your dentist consistently allows them to monitor your oral condition so they can quickly spot changes that might point to a more serious underlying concern. For example, if they see weakening enamel, they can treat it before a cavity develops. This type of preventative care can safeguard your smile and keep it from harm.
Benefit #2: Identify Other Health Issues
Did you know that your dental status is closely connected with your general well-being? For instance, untreated gum disease can eventually enter your bloodstream and travel to other areas, contributing to serious conditions like heart problems or diabetes. That means by keeping your mouth clean, you’re also supporting your overall health.
Not only that, but your dentist also includes an oral cancer screening as a part of your checkup. Although it can be life-threatening in the later stages, oral cancer is often highly treatable if it’s caught early enough. That means regular dental checkups can potentially save your life!
Benefit #3: Save Money
If you’re hesitating to schedule an appointment because you’re worried about the cost, you’ll be doing yourself a favor if you schedule more regular dental visits. It keeps your teeth and gums healthy and strong so they’re less likely to develop disease, decay, or injuries that require more complex and costly treatments to repair.
For example, your dentist can catch minor cavities and provide tooth-colored fillings to restore your grin’s appearance and functionality before it becomes infected and requires a more expensive root canal.
As you can see, there are several excellent reasons to keep up with regular visits to the dentist!
Meet the Author
Dr. Jonathan Cohen enjoys helping patients enhance their quality of life by improving their oral health. He graduated from the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine and has completed ongoing educational courses at prestigious organizations like The Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education. He’s also a member of several professional groups, including the Academy of General Dentistry, so you can trust that you’re in good hands. Whether you need a basic checkup and cleaning or have developed a more serious concern, he’s an expert who is happy to help. You can request an appointment on the website or call (904) 230-2961.