Completing a gapped-tooth smile can restore your confidence and have you feeling good as new, but if your rift is small, you might think it’s not worth the orthodontics or dental restoration. That’s understandable! Fortunately, there is a more low-key way to solve your problem – as long as you meet certain requirements. Here’s what you need to know about filling unwanted space with cosmetic dental bonding.
What is Cosmetic Dental Bonding?
This cosmetic dental option is lesser-known, so if you’ve never heard of it, don’t sweat it! Simply put, this non-invasive process involves sculpting a moldable resin material over less-than-aesthetic flaws on your teeth. There are tooth-colored mixes available, so with your dentist’s skilled hand, no one will be able to tell the difference between your natural enamel and bonded surface.
Mind the Gap: Size Constraints
Now, dental bonding can also be used to fill in those smile gaps. However, if you have a wide divide, the resin could look unnatural, which might not be cosmetically preferable. To determine whether your gap is “too large”, it’s best to consult with your dentist.
Wellness Before Beauty: Oral Health Dependencies
Another factor you should mind is your oral health. Dental bonding relies on your natural teeth for stability. This means that pearly whites affected with cavities or gum disease will have to be treated, otherwise your cosmetic solution could fail.
Ideal Shapes: Which Teeth Will Be Bonded?
Finally, dental bonding is best suited for gaps along your top jawline. The teeth in this row tend to be larger, providing more surface area for the resin to cling to. Bottom jawline rifts can be filled with dental bonding too – it just might be trickier or limited.
Because dental bonding your smile back together is more or less effective depending on several factors, be sure to talk to your dentist before committing to this solution. As a professional, they can assess your dental situation best, and help you determine whether this is the right treatment for you. The sooner you call, the sooner you can enjoy enhanced dental aesthetics, so don’t delay!
About the Author
Dr. Jonathan H. Cohen earned his dental degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine and has advanced training in comprehensive cosmetic dentistry. In other words, he has the education, experience, and skill to provide you with a quality dental bonding treatment. If you’re interested in closing your smile gap with dental bonding, contact his office at 904-230-2961.